Janet Deming

I was receiving allergy shots twice a month and was on daily asthma medication at the time I began Bio-Kinetics care with Dr. Jay Wilson. My need for medication ceased two months after receiving his treatment and my allergies have not given me any problems since. It has now been 11 months and I am symptom free. This method of treatment is gentle and the results are wonderful!

Janet Deming

Kathy Davis

I had a rash all over my body. It began after taking antibiotics and ear drops. After my kidneys, liver and adrenals were corrected with Bio-Kinetics, my rash went away!

Kathy Davis
Torrance, CA.

Joan Presetti

I used to take Ibuprophen daily for headaches, arthritis in my thumbs and back pain. Now I NEVER need it! I don’t need Rolaids for foods anymore either. I’ve also noticed that I seem to be avoiding flus and colds, too. All this since receiving Bio-Kinetics care. I recommend it for everyone!

Joan Presetti
Lakewood, CA.

Wesley Jackson

I am writing this testimonial to recognize Dr. Lawrence E. Newsum and Bio-Kinetics.My name is Wesley Jackson. I am a chiropractor, 71 years of age, practicing in Florence, Alabama. Four years ago out of desperation, I attended a Bio-Kinetics Training Seminar, hoping to help my own health. I say out of desperation because I was in the advanced stages of diabetes, with severe diabetic neuropathy in both feet. I had already had two toes amputated, and was scheduled to have two more removed.

The pain of standing or walking was excruitiating. I wore special padded shoes to even walk a few feet.Additionally, I had very high blood pressure 220/140, and was on the verge of bankruptcy, having been unable to work for over a year.A major benefit of Bio-Kinetics is being able to help oneself in all aspects of health including spinal correction, restoration of organ function and more.After returning home, following the Bio-Kinetics training, I continued to use the procedures as often as I could.

I swear before God, that within two weeks I could stand and walk for hours painfree. Within one month I began seeing patients and within two months my blood pressure was 140/80 and has remained normal for these past 4 years.Bio-Kinetics gave me my life back! My health has improved, and I have the stamina to work again and help others with this incredible, cutting edge technology.

Wesley Jackson
D.C. Florence, AL

Ryoichi Ogawa, DC

A 7 year old boy was scheduled for eye surgery in Tokyo. Fortunately, while vacationing here in Kauai he was brought into see me for care. As a result of using Bio-Kinetics on him, his eyes became uncrossed and eye surgery was avoided. I recommend the Bio-Kinetics training seminars to all doctors reading this – it is a very powerful health care system!”

Ryoichi Ogawa, DC
Kauai, Hawaii

Jim Curton

My name is Jim Curton. I am an insurance agent in Torrance , California .

Until 3 years ago, I suffered from virtually every allergy you could imagine from the time I was a child. It seemed like everything caused me to breakout in hives and skin rashes. I could hardly eat any normal food, and I had to order special food. I was on all kinds of medication and my health was declining.

I was being seen by the top allergist in Southern California , who was at his wit’s end to find some way to help me. I had tried herbs, vitamins, chiropractic, acupuncture, and every method I could find, including allergy shots and medication. Somethings would help for awhile, but never completely, and my symptoms would be back in a few days to a week. I asked the doctor what was in store for me and he told me with tears, in his eyes, that it looked like I would end up in a plastic bubble for the rest of my life.

You see, I had already had the mucus membranes in my sinuses removed and used a spray to keep my sinuses moist (the doctors had removed 2 surgical bowls of polyps). In addition, I was experiencing a sharp, stabbing pain in my chest when I moved in certain ways or tried to straighten up. This was a result of an auto accident that happened when I was 14 years old and I am now 57 years of age.

My final problem was the result of a hernia operation. In 1980, a Dupont patch was installed, which eventually caused swelling and scar tissue and left my abdominal wall stiff and hard. This made it difficult and painful to bend forward, but I learned to live with this limitation.


Within days after starting under Bio-Kinetics care my rash subsided and within a few months all my other symptoms were gone or greatly reduced. Within 3 months, the pain, stiffness and hardness in my abdomen were gone, and I could bend over without limitation. I am now allergy and pain free and I feel like a 19 year old. I have been able to eat I want, and I can go anywhere I want, and do anything I want – it is wonderful to experience this freedom for the first time in my life.

Jim Curton
Torrance, California

Dr. Donald J. Baune, D.A.C.N.B.

My experience with Bio-Kinetics is very unique. After Dr. Newsum first presented his finding with regards to physical stress to me and asked me to work with his protocols, and research the neurological mechanisms behind it, I began using them with my patients. I began to see improvements in acute and chronic health problems that were not possible with what I was using prior to that. During this time, I was in good health. The great thing is that even if you are in good health (or think you are), the health and healing benefits can be profound.

About four years ago, while moving into my new home, I ran my forehead into the corner of a shelf in the garage. I was alone, with no transportation. The cut was about one inch long and jagged. It went all the way to the bone. It bled profusely and within minutes, it was very swollen. I wanted to go to the emergency room to get stitches, however I had no way to get there, and not even a telephone to call 911.I began using the Bio-Kinetics protocols of stress and correct, and within minutes, the bleeding stopped, the swelling had almost completely subsided, and the pain was considerably less. By the time others returned with another load, I was able to cover the injury with a Band-Aid, and continue working. By the next day, there was only a small red line, and with constant use of the B-K procedures, the injury healed with barely a visible scar.

A few months later, I caught my finger between a 700-pound trailer and my truck, smashing it and cutting it down to the tendon. Using the B-K protocols, this too healed in a matter of a few days.

I am not normally accident prone, but I must have needed to put this work to the test, because over the next few years, I had several other semi-serious accidents/injuries, including falls while roller blading, a rear-end automobile accident, being hit in the head by a hammer falling off of a seven foot door, and more. The most serious of these was when a one hundred pound solid core fire door fell on my calf. It was leaning up against a wall and as I walked by, it fell and the top edge hit my calf and scraped all the way down to my Achilles tendon. It felt like it ripped my calf completely off. By the time I was able to pull myself into a chair, it had literally swollen up to three times its normal size. I started with the B-K procedures immediately. Within two minutes, the swelling had subsided and the pain was tolerable. I could stand and put weight on it. Within 5 minutes I was able to walk with a limp. Within an hour, I was standing and walking without a limp. By that evening (approximately 3 hours later) I gave a lecture/presentation for several hours. At the end, I even hopped up and down on it to show everyone. I consider that to be a good example of how healing times are reduced with this process. Without B-K, I know I would have been in the hospital and crutches for weeks, and had permanent vascular weakness (varicose veins) in my calf.

I use Bio-Kinetics on all my patients. The Bio-Kinetics procedures have allowed me to get results, not only with the typical back pain patient, but with more challenging cases as well, far beyond anything I have ever used.

Dr. Donald J. Baune, D.A.C.N.B.
Lomita, CA

Denise Legare

I had been having problems walking for several years but it got worse in the last nine months. I had to stop going to the gym because it was too tiring and too painful for me. I had been to my regular GP, physiotherapy, osteopathy, massotherapy and another chiro. Nothing helped.

I had no energy, I was always out of breath, had lower back pain and my legs felt tired all the time. All winter, after my walk with the dog, I would bring three or four armful of wood in, fill up the bird feeders and I was exhausted, finished for the day.
In February, my sister suggested that I see Dr. Riccardo Cifola. His approach in Bio-Kinetics really worked for me. After a few treatments, the pain in my lower back subsided and I started getting my energy back. My breathing got much better and the tiredness in my legs slowly went away.

Now I do more in one week than I did in 9 months. I can walk 30 minutes without having to stop to rest my legs and my breathing is back to normal. I’m doing stretching exercises every day and in two weeks I’ll be back at the gym.

Not only did Dr. Cifola ‘fix me up’ but he gave me hope that I can grow older without pain.


Denise Legare

Denise Legare
Rosemere, Quebec

Dr. Matthew Brown

In my thirties and mid-forties, I struggled with recurring upper respiratory infections and bronchitis that sometimes turned into pneumonia. I had seasonal allergies that would cause intense, repetitive sneezing jags. I began to develop sleep apnea and was considering the use of a CPAP machine, but didn’t like idea of being slave to a breathing machine the rest of my life. I would frequently wake up gasping for air – very distressing for me and my poor wife. We had adopted a kitten, however, I didn’t seem to have any noticeable reactions to the cat – no itching or sneezing, so I assumed that I was not allergic to the cat. However, little by little, I began to realize that as the cat grew older, I began to develop a stronger sensitivity – but not enough to make a decision to find a new home for the cat. Sometimes, when I was awakened with respiratory distress – it would actually cause numbness to certain areas of my head and scalp. However, I still hadn’t connected the dots that my sleep apnea may be caused by allergic sensitivities.

One day, however, I had a very intense reaction to what I realized later was multiple allergens. I had just mowed the lawn and was playing in the grass with my two young daughters. A neighborhood black cat walked over and we played with her for about an hour. I didn’t have an immediate reaction during the daytime, however, that night I had a very severe respiratory episode. I woke up again gasping for air. Part of my face and neck were completely numb. This time, we decided to make a trip to the emergency room. The doctors there gave me a full physical examination and did complete blood work. They could not figure out what was going on – they said all my clinical laboratory results were normal, but nobody had suggested the possibility of allergic anaphylaxis. The next week, I went for another full medical physical. The doctor still did not mention anything about allergies, however, by now I was finally connecting the dots. Coincidentally, that week I read an article in Readers Digest that said the dander of black cats was more hyper allergenic than other breeds. Finally, I became 100% sure that my recurring respiratory issues were being caused by allergies. One day, I read an article about BioKinetics.

I immediately flew out to California to do the training. My chiropractic practice had been primarily limited to treatment of musculoskeletal problems at that time. Within 3 weeks of self-treatment using BioKinetics techniques, all of the sleep apnea symptoms went away. I have not experienced another such episode, nor any more upper respiratory infections in over 10 years. In my chiropractic practice, I have been able to help many people using BioKinetics methods. I can now hold and pet cats without any problem. When seasonal allergies are effecting everyone else, I do not have to worry any more about my seasonal allergies cycling back around. I am very grateful to Dr. Newsum for developing a system that effectively desensitizes the brain’s expression of many types of stimuli: allergies, pain syndromes, addictions, and many other systemic problems. The knowledge of this system has given me better insight into the science of neuroplasticity, equipping me to streamline the BioKinetics system for my own personal use. Now we are seeing many doctors in the medical world beginning to develop their own methods based on the science of neuroplasticity. Whether they realize it or not, we can thank visionaries like Dr. Newsum for pioneering these concepts.

Dr. Matthew Brown
Dallas, Texas


February 5, 1991 I was diagnosed with a tumor on the 3rd left ventricle of the hyptothalamus. The tumor was the size of a pea, but my symptoms were severe headaches, visual problems, confusion, difficulty concentrating, almost no sense of taste, no sense of smell, and the experience of being in a vacuum when I would lean my head forward. Radiation and chemotherapy treatments were intolerable, so they were discontinued.

My symptoms persisted and my eyesight worsened.

On August 31, 1999 I consulted Dr. Riccardo J. Cifola. A few hours after the 2nd treatment I vomited blood and blood clots. I continued the treatments anyway and I was happy with this phenomenon. I associated this reaction with the elimination of the tumor. I had often visualized this scene. There was some bleeding again on a few occasions, it never lasted long and I always felt relieved afterwards.

Mid December I started to get my sense of taste and smell back. I vomited blood for the last time at the beginning of December 1999. February 1, 2000, I had a scan done. The report indicated “the cerebral densitometry is homogeneous. No evidence of a hemorrhagic spot or mass effect- Normal examination”

I pay tribute to Dr. Riccardo J. Cifola of Rosemere, Quebec and hope that the science of Bio-Kinetics becomes better known throughout the world. I hope that doctors such as Dr. Cifola have the opportunity to explain this science to a wider audience, so that they can be heard and recognized in the world of medicine.

Quebec, Canada

Shawna Wilson

My chiropractor took x-rays of my neck and informed me that I have the worst neck of a 30 year old she had ever seen . After 6 weeks of Bio-Kinetics, the curve is coming back in the upper part of my neck.. Also, the stretch marks I’ve had from having two children have faded so significantly that my husband has noticed!

Shawna Wilson
Tucumcari, N.M.

Jan Miyake

For 15 years my husband was treated by accupuncturists, and chiropractors for his sleep apnea with partial success. It wasn’t until he received Bio-Kinetics care that it was permanently resolved. Now he can breathe normally during the night! I can breathe a sigh of relief, AND we both sleep normally through the night now! We are so grateful for what we have been given! Bio-Kinetics has changed our lives!

Jan Miyake
Los Angeles, CA.

Dr. Donald J. Baune, D.A.C.N.B.

I would like to relate an experience using Bio-Kinetics.

On December 23, 2003, my 13-year-old son was riding his skateboard alongside a car and fell, hitting his head/face directly on the pavement. He initially thought that the car’s rear tire ran over his head but it seems impossible for him to have survived. His right eye became immediately swollen, so much that he could not open it. It was bleeding from inside, as was his nose, and mouth (he has braces). He had a large gash on his left inner arm (about 3 inches long) and another just below his left knee (about 4 inches long). Both were caused by tearing of the skin and were opened at least an inch so you could see beyond the adipose layer to the muscle layers beneath. He also had many abrasions all over his body. By the time he got to the hospital, the skin around his right eye was swollen so tight it looked like it was going to burst. He was strapped to a body board. It was very uncomfortable, but they had to find out if his neck was broken.

After about an hour of waiting around in the emergency room, I decided to help him. I began working on him using myself as a surrogate. After about 3 minutes, he vomited and immediately felt better. I continued working on him through me. After about 20 minutes, my wife noticed that the swelling was about half of what it had been, and he was able to open his eye. She did not know what I was doing, so she wasn’t expecting anything. Even the medic on staff commented that the eye was looking a lot better. It took me about 45 minutes to reach a point where his body no longer needed any work. At this point, he was lying there calm, in no pain, and the swelling around his eye was considerably less.

At this point, we found out that he had multiple fractures around the orbit of his right eye, fractured his nose, and had one fracture on the floor of his left eye. Fortunately there were no fractures of the vertebra in his neck. They anesthetized him locally to sew up the deep cuts on his arm and leg. We were told that the cut on his leg was in the shape of an inverted V, which does not allow blood to flow into some of the skin around the cut and the area may die and need plastic surgery later. I continued clearing him using Bio-Kinetics. Eventually, I got to a place where he needed no more work.

During this time, I also was clearing my wife for her emotional trauma. She mentioned to me that it was strange that she was not freaking out, able to control her fears and emotions, and just be present to the situation.

During the hospital stay (2 days), I continued to clear him through myself and he continued to improve. Everyone there said it was because he was so young and had good healing abilities (according to them, some people are just lucky that way). They were surprised however that he never once asked for any pain medication and seemed to be quite calm and relaxed.

When he got home, he took it slow for a few days, but was ready to go back to school at the end of the holiday break. He actually missed only one day of school (only because he had follow-up medical visits). They were surprised at how fast he was healing considering his injuries. I was continuing to clear him with Bio-Kinetics several times a day. As time went on, he needed less and less work. After one week, you could not even tell that he had been injured. His deep cuts were still stitched up and obviously not fully healed, but to look at his face, there were no clues of his injuries (other than some residual bright red blood in the white of his right eye). He continued to feel good and never took anything other than some antibiotics because of the deep cuts. After two weeks, they were doing very well also, with no signs of problems.

Everyone is amazed at how fast he is healing, and I am grateful that I was able to use this process to assist him during this traumatic ordeal.

P.S.: I was also clearing myself for my own emotional trauma. It helped me get through it with minimal stressful effects.

Dr. Donald J. Baune, D.A.C.N.B.
Lomita, CA


I have had a lifelong problem with insomnia due to family stress in childhood. I had a car accident in 1986 that resulted in a broken arm, broken leg, 2 broken ribs and a fractured skull. I had been diagnosed with lifelong fibromyalgia that resulted in chronic pain and a lifelong headaches and fatigue resulting from a head injury. I avoided dating relationships, marriage and men in general. I have had an extremely brief time in between menstrual cycles. Since being under Bio-Kinetics/Bio-Kinetics care, I am beginning to sleep for the first time in my life. The aches and pains are leaving my body. I previously had constant pressure in the back of my head that has lessened drastically. I have more energy and don’t feel the fuzziness around my head. I am dating, having relationships, considering marriage as a possibility now, and the time in between my menstrual cycles have gotten longer. Every aspect of my life has improved since receiving this care. I feel like a new person!


Dr. Shigetaka Waketa

Dear Dr. Newsum

Excuse me for not writing sooner. Recently I had two new patients with serious problems. One 30 year old woman with breast cancer (lump on breast) and the other 42 year old woman with Parkinsons.

The woman with breast cancer was scheduled for surgery after they took three biopsies.

I treated her 16 times with Bio-Kinetics. When she went to have surgery, the lump was gone. No surgery was needed. She was very happy and so was I.

Please keep your work.

Yours truly,
Dr. Shigetaka Waketa,
Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Shigetaka Waketa
Tokyo, Japan

Greg Heywood

Very powerful! My vision for reading is greatly improved! I can read without glasses, yesterday I couldn’t.

Greg Heywood
D.C. Sacramento, CA.

Richard Mossberg

My name is Richard Mossberg and I am writing this to tell people about Dr. Newsum and his new discoveries. About one year ago while working on a roof, I fell. While falling I caught the scaffold with one arm. I was 52 years of age and weighed 242 lbs at the time. I hurt my back so badly that I was taken to a hospital. After six months of physical therapy I was released with 50% disability.I am a cement contractor and do other construction work, as well. I couldn’t afford to live on disability. I needed to get back to work.

I had been to Dr. Newsum in the past, and he had helped me, so I went back under his care. Fortunately, my workers compensation carrier agreed to my continued care.I started to improve and was almost ready to be released from the workers compensation case, when the car I was driving was re-ended by another car. To make this story short, I experienced sever pain down both legs. It hurt to a lot to stand, sit, and walk. I could only lie down for short periods in any one position without experiencing severe pain.My attorney and the insurance company sent me to 4 different orthopedic doctors who did all kinds of MRI tests, and found I had 3 herniated discs, with 4mm protrusions. They all recommended surgery.

I would rather eat glass than be cut on, so I refused. Dr. Newsum had helped me before, so I stayed with his care.After one year, under his care, I am writing because I am very grateful for the results. I am pain free and I have returned to full time cement and construction work.

Richard Mossberg
Torrance, CA


I had been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, and unable to work. I have been feeling anxious, depressed, and hopeless. Unable to sleep, insomnia. My son suffered a brain injury and major life changes included my fathers death and being disowned by my mother. I had physical pain in my legs a lot of the time.

One year after being under Bio-Kinetics care with Dr. Dennis Pick, I am happy most of the time. I sleep well 98% of the time and fall asleep easily. I am working almost full time and enjoying what I do. My relationships with others and myself are good. I feel clear when making decisions in my life now, and rarely have pain.


Dominic Infante

For the past 7 years my diet has been limited to 6 food items. Whenever I attempted to add other foods into my diet, I would experience rashes, shortness of breath, congestion, and stomach and intestinal pain. I had been unable to consistently work due to chronic fatigue. After coming under Bio-Kinetics care, my Doctor identified and cleared me of 19 food and environmental allergies, including peanuts! I have been eating anything I want and feeling great! I have been playing volleyball and golf. My stamina and endurance have returned and I am looking forward to my upcoming wedding and honeymoon in Hawaii.

Dominic Infante
Lomita, CA

Mike Vidmar, D.C.

“To anyone desiring to take their effectiveness to the highest level, look no further.”
Thomas Aamot, D.C., Lake Havasu City, AZ

“One of the most dynamic seminars any chiropractor could attend to get in touch with the modern paradigm of Chiropractic and brain function. You will be able to apply the procedures on Monday in line with that paradigm and produce results, which you may have thought were beyond the scope of you or your patients abilities.”
Robert L. Culver , D.C., D.A.C.N.B., San Francisco, CA.

“Every Chiropractor who cares about their patients should be taking this work. BK is incredible. The best training seminar I have taken in my 18 years in practice in terms of ease of implementation and healing results!”

Mike Vidmar, D.C.
Longmont, CO.

Barbara Wastl

My name is Barbara from Eagan, Minnesota. I am a living testimony of the power of Bio-Kinetics! I am forever grateful to Dr. Newsum and his technology for I have my life back because of his remarkable discoveries! Here is my story.

Four months ago, I was hospitalized, again, for treatment of a chronic condition I have had since I was 20 years of age, Crohn’s Disease, a serious infection and inflammation of my large bowel.

I am 32 years of age now and the doctors told me that I required the removal of my colon, or I would die. I had already had 21 inches of my intestines removed 8 years ago. I have had chronic diarrhea for years. If I had complied with their recommendation, it would have meant wearing a colostomy bag for the rest of my life. At the time I was hospitalized. I was experiencing several abscesses throughout my colon, with 2 penetrating the colon wall. A drain was attached to allow the poisons to drain out of my body. My body had not been absorbing nutrients, even with the IV’s antibiotics and nurtients were not being absorbed, I was bloated and literally starving!

My husband, Dr. Greg Wastl having taught nutritional, herbal and chiropractic programs for years, told my doctors that we would find another option, for removing my colon was not one! His being in touch with the latest developments in the health field, he had heard about Dr. Lawrence Newsum and the miraculous benefits that were being reported with use of his work.

My husband knew that my life could not wait for him to take the next Bio-Kinetics training class 4 weeks away, I was dying and needed help immediately. When Dr. Newsum learned of the severity of my condition, he invited us to his clinic in California .

Miracles do happen, I am a witness.

We arrived at Dr. Newsum’s Lomita , California office on a Tuesday at 2 PM. The pain in my body was so severe that I could barely tolerate being touched, and was medicated with pain relievers for the travel from Minnesota . I am 5’9’ tall and weighed 90 pounds when we arrived. I was very weak, barely able to walk on my own. The skin on my hands was cracked and peeling, and my fingers had open sores. I had not had a normal bowel movement in at least 3 years.

After arrival at Dr. Newsum’s office, I received care every 10-15 minutes. My husband was being trained concurrently, as Dr. Newsum worked on me for the rest of the afternoon. The process he developed stimulated my brain function and increased nerve and energy flow throughout my system. I was surprised that I did not experience any appreciable discomfort from the work being done on me. Every aspect of my health was considered and addressed. I was being observed by several Doctors in-training during that first day, and during the night my husband periodically worked on me with Dr. Newsum’s process.

The 2nd day, we arrived at Dr. Newsum’s office at 8 AM. The doctor immediately began to check me, and was pleased at the improvements I had made, needless to say, so was I! Changes that I noted were: more physically flexible; the abscesses continued draining, even without the drains that were removed at the hospital when I insisted on checking out. By 9 AM the abscesses were almost completely drained. Within a few hours, I had my first normal bowel movement in over 3 years!

During this second day, Dr. Newsum or my husband continued to check and work on me whenever my body indicated it needed help. We went to lunch and I was able to eat and hold down my food. Even during lunch, the doctors continued to check and work on me as needed.

Thursday morning, 2 days after arriving, was the first time in months that I felt like dressing up, as I had been living in sack dresses in order to minimize discomfort to my abdomen!. Also that morning, I surprised everyone by doing yoga stretches and had more flexibility than ever before!

This letter was written 3 months after my visit to Dr. Newsum’s clinic in California , and exposure to his remarkable process, Bio-Kinetics. My medical doctors are amazed and do not understand how I could have improved so quickly and thoroughly. They report that all my blood chemistry is normal, and I am assimilating my food and have gained 20 pounds. These were the same doctors that had told me 3 months before that I would be dead within a few months without removal of my colon!

I have given Dr. Newsum permission to use my story however he deems. I just hope and pray that others will understand that the body that God gave you is capable of recovery from anything when all of its parts are working normally! Bio-Kinetics can make miracles happen!

Barbara Wastl
Eagan, Minnesota

P.S. It has been over 3 years since Barbara told her story above, and she has had no reoccurrence of the symptoms of Crohns Disease. Her body chemistry, digestive and elimination systems continue to function normally.

Barbara Wastl
Eagan, Minnesota

H. Crabb

I have had back problems in the past where the pain was severe. I took numerous steroid and pain shots which helped. The last time my back started hurting, the pain in the back and legs was so severe that I didn’t think I could go on. I again took a series of shots, but they didn’t help at all. Tests showed that I had bulging, ruptured disks. The back pain was so severe and my legs felt as if they were going to explode. Fortunately, I was referred to Dr. Michael Whitman who practices the Bio-Kinetics care. Under his care, I was soon out of pain and have remained so over a year now.

H. Crabb