I had been having problems walking for several years but it got worse in the last nine months. I had to stop going to the gym because it was too tiring and too painful for me. I had been to my regular GP, physiotherapy, osteopathy, massotherapy and another chiro. Nothing helped.

I had no energy, I was always out of breath, had lower back pain and my legs felt tired all the time. All winter, after my walk with the dog, I would bring three or four armful of wood in, fill up the bird feeders and I was exhausted, finished for the day.
In February, my sister suggested that I see Dr. Riccardo Cifola. His approach in Bio-Kinetics really worked for me. After a few treatments, the pain in my lower back subsided and I started getting my energy back. My breathing got much better and the tiredness in my legs slowly went away.

Now I do more in one week than I did in 9 months. I can walk 30 minutes without having to stop to rest my legs and my breathing is back to normal. I’m doing stretching exercises every day and in two weeks I’ll be back at the gym.

Not only did Dr. Cifola ‘fix me up’ but he gave me hope that I can grow older without pain.


Denise Legare



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