My name is Barbara from Eagan, Minnesota. I am a living testimony of the power of Bio-Kinetics! I am forever grateful to Dr. Newsum and his technology for I have my life back because of his remarkable discoveries! Here is my story.

Four months ago, I was hospitalized, again, for treatment of a chronic condition I have had since I was 20 years of age, Crohn’s Disease, a serious infection and inflammation of my large bowel.

I am 32 years of age now and the doctors told me that I required the removal of my colon, or I would die. I had already had 21 inches of my intestines removed 8 years ago. I have had chronic diarrhea for years. If I had complied with their recommendation, it would have meant wearing a colostomy bag for the rest of my life. At the time I was hospitalized. I was experiencing several abscesses throughout my colon, with 2 penetrating the colon wall. A drain was attached to allow the poisons to drain out of my body. My body had not been absorbing nutrients, even with the IV’s antibiotics and nurtients were not being absorbed, I was bloated and literally starving!

My husband, Dr. Greg Wastl having taught nutritional, herbal and chiropractic programs for years, told my doctors that we would find another option, for removing my colon was not one! His being in touch with the latest developments in the health field, he had heard about Dr. Lawrence Newsum and the miraculous benefits that were being reported with use of his work.

My husband knew that my life could not wait for him to take the next Bio-Kinetics training class 4 weeks away, I was dying and needed help immediately. When Dr. Newsum learned of the severity of my condition, he invited us to his clinic in California .

Miracles do happen, I am a witness.

We arrived at Dr. Newsum’s Lomita , California office on a Tuesday at 2 PM. The pain in my body was so severe that I could barely tolerate being touched, and was medicated with pain relievers for the travel from Minnesota . I am 5’9’ tall and weighed 90 pounds when we arrived. I was very weak, barely able to walk on my own. The skin on my hands was cracked and peeling, and my fingers had open sores. I had not had a normal bowel movement in at least 3 years.

After arrival at Dr. Newsum’s office, I received care every 10-15 minutes. My husband was being trained concurrently, as Dr. Newsum worked on me for the rest of the afternoon. The process he developed stimulated my brain function and increased nerve and energy flow throughout my system. I was surprised that I did not experience any appreciable discomfort from the work being done on me. Every aspect of my health was considered and addressed. I was being observed by several Doctors in-training during that first day, and during the night my husband periodically worked on me with Dr. Newsum’s process.

The 2nd day, we arrived at Dr. Newsum’s office at 8 AM. The doctor immediately began to check me, and was pleased at the improvements I had made, needless to say, so was I! Changes that I noted were: more physically flexible; the abscesses continued draining, even without the drains that were removed at the hospital when I insisted on checking out. By 9 AM the abscesses were almost completely drained. Within a few hours, I had my first normal bowel movement in over 3 years!

During this second day, Dr. Newsum or my husband continued to check and work on me whenever my body indicated it needed help. We went to lunch and I was able to eat and hold down my food. Even during lunch, the doctors continued to check and work on me as needed.

Thursday morning, 2 days after arriving, was the first time in months that I felt like dressing up, as I had been living in sack dresses in order to minimize discomfort to my abdomen!. Also that morning, I surprised everyone by doing yoga stretches and had more flexibility than ever before!

This letter was written 3 months after my visit to Dr. Newsum’s clinic in California , and exposure to his remarkable process, Bio-Kinetics. My medical doctors are amazed and do not understand how I could have improved so quickly and thoroughly. They report that all my blood chemistry is normal, and I am assimilating my food and have gained 20 pounds. These were the same doctors that had told me 3 months before that I would be dead within a few months without removal of my colon!

I have given Dr. Newsum permission to use my story however he deems. I just hope and pray that others will understand that the body that God gave you is capable of recovery from anything when all of its parts are working normally! Bio-Kinetics can make miracles happen!

Barbara Wastl
Eagan, Minnesota

P.S. It has been over 3 years since Barbara told her story above, and she has had no reoccurrence of the symptoms of Crohns Disease. Her body chemistry, digestive and elimination systems continue to function normally.



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