I would like to relate an experience using Bio-Kinetics.

On December 23, 2003, my 13-year-old son was riding his skateboard alongside a car and fell, hitting his head/face directly on the pavement. He initially thought that the car’s rear tire ran over his head but it seems impossible for him to have survived. His right eye became immediately swollen, so much that he could not open it. It was bleeding from inside, as was his nose, and mouth (he has braces). He had a large gash on his left inner arm (about 3 inches long) and another just below his left knee (about 4 inches long). Both were caused by tearing of the skin and were opened at least an inch so you could see beyond the adipose layer to the muscle layers beneath. He also had many abrasions all over his body. By the time he got to the hospital, the skin around his right eye was swollen so tight it looked like it was going to burst. He was strapped to a body board. It was very uncomfortable, but they had to find out if his neck was broken.

After about an hour of waiting around in the emergency room, I decided to help him. I began working on him using myself as a surrogate. After about 3 minutes, he vomited and immediately felt better. I continued working on him through me. After about 20 minutes, my wife noticed that the swelling was about half of what it had been, and he was able to open his eye. She did not know what I was doing, so she wasn’t expecting anything. Even the medic on staff commented that the eye was looking a lot better. It took me about 45 minutes to reach a point where his body no longer needed any work. At this point, he was lying there calm, in no pain, and the swelling around his eye was considerably less.

At this point, we found out that he had multiple fractures around the orbit of his right eye, fractured his nose, and had one fracture on the floor of his left eye. Fortunately there were no fractures of the vertebra in his neck. They anesthetized him locally to sew up the deep cuts on his arm and leg. We were told that the cut on his leg was in the shape of an inverted V, which does not allow blood to flow into some of the skin around the cut and the area may die and need plastic surgery later. I continued clearing him using Bio-Kinetics. Eventually, I got to a place where he needed no more work.

During this time, I also was clearing my wife for her emotional trauma. She mentioned to me that it was strange that she was not freaking out, able to control her fears and emotions, and just be present to the situation.

During the hospital stay (2 days), I continued to clear him through myself and he continued to improve. Everyone there said it was because he was so young and had good healing abilities (according to them, some people are just lucky that way). They were surprised however that he never once asked for any pain medication and seemed to be quite calm and relaxed.

When he got home, he took it slow for a few days, but was ready to go back to school at the end of the holiday break. He actually missed only one day of school (only because he had follow-up medical visits). They were surprised at how fast he was healing considering his injuries. I was continuing to clear him with Bio-Kinetics several times a day. As time went on, he needed less and less work. After one week, you could not even tell that he had been injured. His deep cuts were still stitched up and obviously not fully healed, but to look at his face, there were no clues of his injuries (other than some residual bright red blood in the white of his right eye). He continued to feel good and never took anything other than some antibiotics because of the deep cuts. After two weeks, they were doing very well also, with no signs of problems.

Everyone is amazed at how fast he is healing, and I am grateful that I was able to use this process to assist him during this traumatic ordeal.

P.S.: I was also clearing myself for my own emotional trauma. It helped me get through it with minimal stressful effects.



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