In my thirties and mid-forties, I struggled with recurring upper respiratory infections and bronchitis that sometimes turned into pneumonia. I had seasonal allergies that would cause intense, repetitive sneezing jags. I began to develop sleep apnea and was considering the use of a CPAP machine, but didn’t like idea of being slave to a breathing machine the rest of my life. I would frequently wake up gasping for air – very distressing for me and my poor wife. We had adopted a kitten, however, I didn’t seem to have any noticeable reactions to the cat – no itching or sneezing, so I assumed that I was not allergic to the cat. However, little by little, I began to realize that as the cat grew older, I began to develop a stronger sensitivity – but not enough to make a decision to find a new home for the cat. Sometimes, when I was awakened with respiratory distress – it would actually cause numbness to certain areas of my head and scalp. However, I still hadn’t connected the dots that my sleep apnea may be caused by allergic sensitivities.

One day, however, I had a very intense reaction to what I realized later was multiple allergens. I had just mowed the lawn and was playing in the grass with my two young daughters. A neighborhood black cat walked over and we played with her for about an hour. I didn’t have an immediate reaction during the daytime, however, that night I had a very severe respiratory episode. I woke up again gasping for air. Part of my face and neck were completely numb. This time, we decided to make a trip to the emergency room. The doctors there gave me a full physical examination and did complete blood work. They could not figure out what was going on – they said all my clinical laboratory results were normal, but nobody had suggested the possibility of allergic anaphylaxis. The next week, I went for another full medical physical. The doctor still did not mention anything about allergies, however, by now I was finally connecting the dots. Coincidentally, that week I read an article in Readers Digest that said the dander of black cats was more hyper allergenic than other breeds. Finally, I became 100% sure that my recurring respiratory issues were being caused by allergies. One day, I read an article about BioKinetics.

I immediately flew out to California to do the training. My chiropractic practice had been primarily limited to treatment of musculoskeletal problems at that time. Within 3 weeks of self-treatment using BioKinetics techniques, all of the sleep apnea symptoms went away. I have not experienced another such episode, nor any more upper respiratory infections in over 10 years. In my chiropractic practice, I have been able to help many people using BioKinetics methods. I can now hold and pet cats without any problem. When seasonal allergies are effecting everyone else, I do not have to worry any more about my seasonal allergies cycling back around. I am very grateful to Dr. Newsum for developing a system that effectively desensitizes the brain’s expression of many types of stimuli: allergies, pain syndromes, addictions, and many other systemic problems. The knowledge of this system has given me better insight into the science of neuroplasticity, equipping me to streamline the BioKinetics system for my own personal use. Now we are seeing many doctors in the medical world beginning to develop their own methods based on the science of neuroplasticity. Whether they realize it or not, we can thank visionaries like Dr. Newsum for pioneering these concepts.



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