My name is Jim Curton. I am an insurance agent in Torrance , California .
Until 3 years ago, I suffered from virtually every allergy you could imagine from the time I was a child. It seemed like everything caused me to breakout in hives and skin rashes. I could hardly eat any normal food, and I had to order special food. I was on all kinds of medication and my health was declining.
I was being seen by the top allergist in Southern California , who was at his wit’s end to find some way to help me. I had tried herbs, vitamins, chiropractic, acupuncture, and every method I could find, including allergy shots and medication. Somethings would help for awhile, but never completely, and my symptoms would be back in a few days to a week. I asked the doctor what was in store for me and he told me with tears, in his eyes, that it looked like I would end up in a plastic bubble for the rest of my life.
You see, I had already had the mucus membranes in my sinuses removed and used a spray to keep my sinuses moist (the doctors had removed 2 surgical bowls of polyps). In addition, I was experiencing a sharp, stabbing pain in my chest when I moved in certain ways or tried to straighten up. This was a result of an auto accident that happened when I was 14 years old and I am now 57 years of age.
My final problem was the result of a hernia operation. In 1980, a Dupont patch was installed, which eventually caused swelling and scar tissue and left my abdominal wall stiff and hard. This made it difficult and painful to bend forward, but I learned to live with this limitation.
Within days after starting under Bio-Kinetics care my rash subsided and within a few months all my other symptoms were gone or greatly reduced. Within 3 months, the pain, stiffness and hardness in my abdomen were gone, and I could bend over without limitation. I am now allergy and pain free and I feel like a 19 year old. I have been able to eat I want, and I can go anywhere I want, and do anything I want – it is wonderful to experience this freedom for the first time in my life.
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