My name is Richard Mossberg and I am writing this to tell people about Dr. Newsum and his new discoveries. About one year ago while working on a roof, I fell. While falling I caught the scaffold with one arm. I was 52 years of age and weighed 242 lbs at the time. I hurt my back so badly that I was taken to a hospital. After six months of physical therapy I was released with 50% disability.I am a cement contractor and do other construction work, as well. I couldn’t afford to live on disability. I needed to get back to work.
I had been to Dr. Newsum in the past, and he had helped me, so I went back under his care. Fortunately, my workers compensation carrier agreed to my continued care.I started to improve and was almost ready to be released from the workers compensation case, when the car I was driving was re-ended by another car. To make this story short, I experienced sever pain down both legs. It hurt to a lot to stand, sit, and walk. I could only lie down for short periods in any one position without experiencing severe pain.My attorney and the insurance company sent me to 4 different orthopedic doctors who did all kinds of MRI tests, and found I had 3 herniated discs, with 4mm protrusions. They all recommended surgery.
I would rather eat glass than be cut on, so I refused. Dr. Newsum had helped me before, so I stayed with his care.After one year, under his care, I am writing because I am very grateful for the results. I am pain free and I have returned to full time cement and construction work.
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