My experience with Bio-Kinetics is very unique. After Dr. Newsum first presented his finding with regards to physical stress to me and asked me to work with his protocols, and research the neurological mechanisms behind it, I began using them with my patients. I began to see improvements in acute and chronic health problems that were not possible with what I was using prior to that. During this time, I was in good health. The great thing is that even if you are in good health (or think you are), the health and healing benefits can be profound.

About four years ago, while moving into my new home, I ran my forehead into the corner of a shelf in the garage. I was alone, with no transportation. The cut was about one inch long and jagged. It went all the way to the bone. It bled profusely and within minutes, it was very swollen. I wanted to go to the emergency room to get stitches, however I had no way to get there, and not even a telephone to call 911.I began using the Bio-Kinetics protocols of stress and correct, and within minutes, the bleeding stopped, the swelling had almost completely subsided, and the pain was considerably less. By the time others returned with another load, I was able to cover the injury with a Band-Aid, and continue working. By the next day, there was only a small red line, and with constant use of the B-K procedures, the injury healed with barely a visible scar.

A few months later, I caught my finger between a 700-pound trailer and my truck, smashing it and cutting it down to the tendon. Using the B-K protocols, this too healed in a matter of a few days.

I am not normally accident prone, but I must have needed to put this work to the test, because over the next few years, I had several other semi-serious accidents/injuries, including falls while roller blading, a rear-end automobile accident, being hit in the head by a hammer falling off of a seven foot door, and more. The most serious of these was when a one hundred pound solid core fire door fell on my calf. It was leaning up against a wall and as I walked by, it fell and the top edge hit my calf and scraped all the way down to my Achilles tendon. It felt like it ripped my calf completely off. By the time I was able to pull myself into a chair, it had literally swollen up to three times its normal size. I started with the B-K procedures immediately. Within two minutes, the swelling had subsided and the pain was tolerable. I could stand and put weight on it. Within 5 minutes I was able to walk with a limp. Within an hour, I was standing and walking without a limp. By that evening (approximately 3 hours later) I gave a lecture/presentation for several hours. At the end, I even hopped up and down on it to show everyone. I consider that to be a good example of how healing times are reduced with this process. Without B-K, I know I would have been in the hospital and crutches for weeks, and had permanent vascular weakness (varicose veins) in my calf.

I use Bio-Kinetics on all my patients. The Bio-Kinetics procedures have allowed me to get results, not only with the typical back pain patient, but with more challenging cases as well, far beyond anything I have ever used.



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