Welcome to Bio-Kinetics Health System™
A fully integrated health restoring system that will address Bio-Mechanical, Emotionnal, Bio-Chemical and Electro-Magnetic causes of health impairments and diseases.

Benefits of Bio-Kinetics
Bio-Kinetics is a series of procedures used to normalize aberrant brain wave frequencies caused by injuries, emotional experiences or nutritional toxicities among other causes of dis-eases…

A complete Healthcare System
Also know as Bio-Kinetics Health System, this website is presented for both the general public and health care professionals such as chiropractors, MD’s, acupuncturists, etc.

Training Classes
All classes incorporate interactive hands-on clinics in adressing various issues such as physical traumas, subluxation corrections, neuro-immune, neuro-emotionnal causes of disfonctions in our organisms…
For over 30 years, we thrive to train Health Practioners and Patients from all over the world, helping them reach their Health Goals. In an effort to attain the greatest, we’ve set up informational and educational texts as seen down below.
General Overview of NSBK™ procedure is readable here, along with some Health Practionners and Training litterature. Please Read also our thorough presentation of NSBK™ Health Concepts :
Message from the Founder and Developer, Dr L.E.Newsum:

For thousands of years, mankind has searched outside himself for health, success and happiness when in fact it all lies within us. This material is for those willing to learn a new way of viewing health and longevity.
This website is presented for both the general public and health care professionals (chiropractors, MD’s among others ) from all over the world, and we have taught many people these procedures to use on others and on themselves. »

Feel free to contact us regarding any inquiries about the Bio-Kinetics health procedure or next training seminars to come !